Thursday, November 4, 2010

A little bit of Lacee...


BATH TIME! Look at all that DARK hair!

She is LOADS of fun!

My little burrito while we were out camping.

Don't worry Lacee-you will get used to Daddy. You'll probably beg for more. He'll never change or probably grow up(he is after all a boy) he will tease you for the rest of your life:)

My FAV! What a sweetie!

Only the mean mama would let a baby cry and take a picture instead of picking them up and loving them. Don't worry Lacee you get used to me too. I Love You!

That's my little Angel, my little bundle of Joy.


melinda said...

Lacee is adorable!! Love all the pictures--your kids are growing up so fast!!

Sara said...

I love that last picture! I think she looks more like Reggie thanthe rest of your kids...

Emily Gardner said...

What a cutie! I love her dark hair. And I'm glad her daddy isn't the only one who teases his kids...Justin's finally learned to laugh instead of cry. (:
And I love her owl blanket!