Cooper is now a BIG 5 year old!
Coopers birthday was last weekend and on Saturday he got to experience his first birthday PARTY! I went threw a list of themes with him: cars, batman, spiderman, robots, monters, halloween, etc. He chose COWBOY. He was extatic about it.
The kids each took a turn on the horse!
Reggie showed em how to rope the tricycle! That was funny and cute!

This is our birthday crowd! I went WAY overboard(but it was his 1st birthday party) O.K. so I went overboard more for me than Cooper. The kids each went away with their own dollar store cowboy/cowgirl hat, a bandana, and few other little party favors. Next year I will try to keep it cheap. (I would totally be happy if we just had the birthday party like always(just with the family) but it was a blast with the kids. All the kids were great and I hope they had fun. I know Cooper and Kira did.

I found this online-it was fairly easy except I had to improvise (it was suppose to be an 8-inch round and a 9inch square). I only had a 9inch round and 8inch square. But all in all. I made Reggie sit there and babysit me while I cut the cake because I was so scared of messing it up. His patience was very short at 10pm-poor guy. Well the horse is suppose to be brown but Cooper really wanted a blue cake because "blue is my favorite color" he says. Aaah cute kid!
This is our birthday crowd! I went WAY overboard(but it was his 1st birthday party) O.K. so I went overboard more for me than Cooper. The kids each went away with their own dollar store cowboy/cowgirl hat, a bandana, and few other little party favors. Next year I will try to keep it cheap. (I would totally be happy if we just had the birthday party like always(just with the family) but it was a blast with the kids. All the kids were great and I hope they had fun. I know Cooper and Kira did.
I found this online-it was fairly easy except I had to improvise (it was suppose to be an 8-inch round and a 9inch square). I only had a 9inch round and 8inch square. But all in all. I made Reggie sit there and babysit me while I cut the cake because I was so scared of messing it up. His patience was very short at 10pm-poor guy. Well the horse is suppose to be brown but Cooper really wanted a blue cake because "blue is my favorite color" he says. Aaah cute kid!
You are one heck of a kid! You are a big helper and love to work with Mom and Dad(as long as you don't have to clean your toys up). Daddy loves to know your always right there behind him. You want to be your Daddy, look like your Daddy, sit like your Daddy, put your boots by Daddy's boots! Yet you still LOVE your Mommy! You tell her she is beautiful, and on Sunday you always call Kira and Mommy princesses. You are a charmer and a very smart kid. You can be very serious and straight forward having a hard time with Daddy's teasing but once we tell you he's teasing you are a good sport. You love Kira and Kyler. Kyler looks up to you so much already and thinks you are awesome. You love to love Kyler. You love to play with Kira and it takes up about 90% of your day. You live to wrestle with Daddy. You want to be obedient when you want to be obedient. You love to run. You are a happy positive boy who wants everybody to be happy. You always want to play games(I'm sorry we don't play more). Life or as you call it "the car game" is the game you always beg to play. You like to get dinosaur books from the library, and everywhere you go everybody wants to know you better. Even though you like to be a stinker at times I am glad you are my son and that I get to spend so much time with you. Please don't ever stop flashing your cute cheesy smile at me, and don't stop randomly telling me in such a cute voice "I love you Mommy."
I love you Cooper Lon!!
I love you Cooper Lon!!
You are a GREAT kid!!!